
Multi-Concept Blog/Magazine WP Theme

Thank you for purchasing our theme!

We at PenciDesign are confident that you'll be delighted with Soledad's vast feature options, fast load and clean design.

Please read carefully this file for any questions or issues you may be experiencing-- it's likely you'll find the answer to your query here.

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Thanks so much!

If you have downloaded "All files and documentation" package from ThemeForest, please extract the zipped package downloaded from ThemeForest to your desktop. In the extracted package you will find which is the WordPress theme file.

If you have downloaded "Installable WordPress file only" from ThemeForest, you just need to use this file for your installation.

You can install the theme by one of two ways:

  • WordPress Login to your admin page, navigate to Apperance > Themes > click "Add New" button at the top > continue click to "Upload Theme" button > select the file you got above > Press the Install Now button to upload and install the theme.

  • FTP Extract the file and upload the extracted folder to the /wp-content/themes/ folder on your server.

After uploading the theme, you must activate it. Navigate to the Appearence > Themes page to activate the theme.

How to import a demo?

Check the video tutorial below to know how to import a demo.

Soledad Cloud Library Blocks/Templates

From Soledad version 8, we released a new great feature: Soledad Cloud Library Blocks/Templates, which helps you can easy to import content from a block or a template. This is a new way to help you importing the pre-built blocks/template to your website. Please check the video tutorial below for more:

How to change your site to another demo style?

To do that, please do following steps:

1) Go to Appearance > Import Demo Data > and click on Uninstall button to uninstall the demo you've imported before.

2) Import demo style or full demo content as you want.

After switching to another demo, may you need to select again your main navigation. Let's go to Appearance > Menus > create/select a menu > scroll down to bottom > and check to "Primary Menu"

Soledad is a powerful WordPress theme, and you can configure the Homepage by using one in 3 ways below:

WAY 1: Config Homepage By using Elementor Plugin - Manually Config:

Using Soledad Cloud Library Blocks/Templates:

From Soledad version 8, we released a new great feature: Soledad Cloud Library Blocks/Templates, which helps you to easily importing content from a block or a template. This is a new way to help you importing the pre-built blocks/template to your website. Please check full this video tutorial below for more:

WAY 2: Config Homepage Magazine by using Customize:

Note: To config homepage by using this way, please go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading and make sure your config look like this image first.

WAY 3: Config Homepage Magazine Layout by using WPBakery Page Builder ( previous name is Visual Composer )

This theme also supports you configurating your homepage by using WPBakery Page Builder. See the section WPBakery Page Builder & Slider Revolution" on the left side to know how to get WPBakery Page Builder plugin.

Custom Number Posts to Show:

If you're using Customizer to Customize your homepage, and you would like to adjust the amount of posts shown per page Homepage, you can go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Homepage > General > Custom Amount of Posts Shown Per Page on Homepage and change the number to value you wanted.

With Soledad, you can select 2 ways to build your Category, Tags, Search, Archive Pages, below is 2 method:

Method 1: Use Customizer to Config the Category, Tags, Search, Archive Pages ( Simple & Easy )

If you want to change the layout for category page, search page, tag page, archive page, author page... you can go to Appearance > Customize > General > Category, Tag, Search, Archive Pages

If you want to select a different layout for specific categories, you can go to Dashboard > Posts > Categories > Edit a category you want to change the layout > scroll down on "Select Layout For This Category" and select the layout as you want for that category

To adjust the font size or show/hide elements on the layouts, you can check options via Customize > Posts Layouts

If you would like to adjust the amount of posts shown per page on Archive page (category page, search page, tag page...),you can go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most and change the number to the value as you desired.

Method 2: Use Elementor to build your Category, Tags, Search, Archive Pages ( More Customize )

From Soledad 8.1.3 - we've added the template builder for Category, Tags, Author, Search, Archive Pages to help you can build everything flexible and customize more.

To get it works, please do follow steps below:

  • Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Elementor > Settings and enable support Elementor for Archive Template

    Click to images to see larger image

  • Step 2: Go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and click "Save Changes" to make sure the permalinks updates for the "Archive Template" post type.
  • Step 3: Build your Archive Templates Go to Dashboard > Archive Template > and add new Archive Template and set a Name for this Archive Template ( example: "Category Template" for building your Category Template ) then publish & edit this template by using Elementor.
    When you edit this template by using Elementor, you can use widgets from Elementor like:
    • Archive - Title: to get the Category, Tags, Search, Author, Archive pages title display
    • Archive - Description: to get the description of Category, Tags, Search, Author, Archive pages for display
    • Archive - Breadcrumb: to get the breadcrumbs showing for Category, Tags, Search, Author, Archive Pages
    • Archive - Taxonomies: to get the taxonomies Category, Tags, Search, Author, Archive Pages
    • "Penci Big Grid", "Penci Featured Slider", "Penci Latest Posts", "Penci Featured Cat", "Penci Small Lists"... or other Posts Widgets: to get the posts from the Category, Tags, Search, Author, Archive Pages showing.
      Note Important: When you use Posts Widgets from Elementor to show the posts from the Category, Tags, Search, Author, Archive Pages, you need to edit the widget you're using and click on the "Query" section and on the "Source" - select "Archive Builder / Current Query" - check the image below:

      Click to images to see larger image

  • Step 4: Select Archive Template for Display Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > General > Category, Tags, Search, Archive Pages > on "Achive Builder Templates" and select the template you want to showing for "Category Pages", "Tags Pages", "Author Pages", "Day/Times Pages" or "Search Results Pages"
    Also, you can select a custom builder template for specific categories by going to Dashboard > Posts > Categories > Edit a category you want to change the builder template > scroll down on "Select Custom Archive Template for this Category" and select the template as you want.

We provide multiple layouts to change so you can tailor the look of your post. Please go to Appearance > Customize you can see options for Posts Layouts. You can hide/show, customize different elements on the post page..

For customzing Single Post Pages, you can go to Appearance > Customize > Single Posts to show/hide and customize elements on a single post page.

For get the best result, you should set a featured image for each post and select featured images for your posts with at least 1170px width and 780px height.

To create a "Continue Reading" button on Standard or Classic layout, you can go to Customize > Posts Layouts > Standard & Classic > check to "Display Post Excerpt Instead of Full Content" or use More element to create Read More - check image below:

Click to images to see larger image

Single Post Pages Builder

From Soledad 8.1.3 - we've added the template builder for Single Post Pages to help you can build your own single post pages the way you want.

To get it works, please do follow steps below:

  • Step 1: Go to Dashboard > Elementor > Settings and enable support Elementor for Post Template

    Click to images to see larger image

  • Step 2: Go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks and click "Save Changes" to make sure the permalinks updates for the "Post Template" post type.
  • Step 3: Build your own Post Templates Go to Dashboard > Post Template > and add new Post Template and set a Name for this Post Template then publish & edit this template by using Elementor.
    When you edit this template by using Elementor, you can use widgets from Elementor like:
    • "Post - Breadcrumb", "Post - Title", "Post - Subtitle", "Post - Featured Image", "Post - Featured Image Overlay", "Post - Meta",...: to get the post data showing on your single post pages
    • You also can use Elementor posts widgets: "Penci Big Grid", "Penci Featured Slider", "Penci Latest Posts", "Penci Featured Cat", "Penci Small Lists"... or other Posts Widgets: to get the related posts showing. Just need to make sure on the "Query" of those elements, you've selected "Source" is "Post Builder - Related Posts". Check the image below:

      Click to images to see larger image

  • Step 4: Select Post Template for Display Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Single Posts > General > on "Custom Post Builder Template" and select the template you want to use for Single Post Pages.
    Also, you can select a custom post builder template for specific posts by going to Dashboard > Posts > Edit a post you want to change the post builder template > scroll down on "Custom Post Builder Template for This Post" and select the template as you want.

How to create different post format?

Soledad comes with 6 different post formats: Standard, Video, Gallery, Music Posts, Quote and Link.
We're using plugin Vafpress Post Formats UI to help you create different posts format. You can install this plugin via Appearance > Install Plugins. After install & activate this plugin, you can create a post format by do follow the image below ( it's an image on edit a post screen ):

Click to images to see larger image

Soledad uses the default WordPress Post Thumbnails function. You can upload one featured image to a post and WordPress & Soledad theme will automatically resize it to all of the various thumbnail sizes used throughout the theme.

To set a post thumbnail for your post, go to Posts > Add New/Edit Post > Set Featured Image
The normal upload box will now appear. Upload your image and click "Use as featured image".

Click to images to see larger image

Soledad can works fine with all image sizes, but to get the best results, you should use images for your featured images with at least 1170px width and 780px height.

You can use this website to crop/resize your images before upload it to your site:

On each single post page, you can see an Author Box ( Author Bio ) like image below:

Click to images to see larger image

Here is the way to setup this author box:

  1. Login to the author account you want to setup.
  2. See on the top right of screen "Howdy, ..." - hover mouse on it and click to "Edit My Profile"

    Click to images to see larger image

  3. Scroll down and you will see options for author box & an option to upload your own avatar.

    Click to images to see larger image

You can go to Appearance > Customize > Page to check general options for your Pages.

If you want to display sidebar/ no sidebar for a special page - You can select page template for that page is "Page With Sidebar" or "Page No Sidebar". Check the detail on the image below.

If you want to make a blog page that displays all the latest posts, please go to Pages > Add New > Add new a page and choose Template for it is "Custom Blog Page". The "Custom Blog Page" will follow the layout you've selected on Customize > General > Category, Tag, Search, Archive Pages > Category, Tag, Search, Archive Layout

Also, when you edit a page, you can scroll down and use more page options there.

Click to images to see larger image

To setup your Mailchimp sign-up form, please do following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to set up your mailchimp, please read this guide to know how to set up Mailchimp for WordPress:
  2. When you create form, please use the following mark-up and paste it to your form ( You can edit the text from this markup to your text if you want ):
    <p class="mdes">Subscribe my Newsletter for new blog posts, tips & new photos. Let's stay updated!</p>
    <p class="mname"><input type="text" name="NAME" placeholder="Name..." /></p>
    <p class="memail"><input type="email" id="mc4wp_email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Email..." required /></p>
    <p class="msubmit"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" /></p>

    Click to images to see larger image

  3. Select a list for your subscrible in your lists

    Click to images to see larger image

  4. If you want to put Sign-Up Form on your Header ( below the slider ), you can drag & drop widget Mailchimp SignUp Form to sidebar Header Sign-Up Form
    If you want to put Sign-Up Form on your Footer, you can drag & drop widget Mailchimp SignUp Form to sidebar Footer Sign-Up Form

Soledad uses plugin Contact Form 7 to help you create a contact form - It's free.

After installing this plugin, go to Contact > Contact Forms > Add New/ Edit a Contact Form and use the following this mark-up and paste it to your form( Of course, you can edit the text "Name", "Email", "Subject", "Your Message", "Submit" to the text as you want ):

<p class="name">[text* your-name placeholder "Name*"]</p>
<p class="email">[email* your-email placeholder "Email*"]</p>
<p class="subject">[text your-subject placeholder "Subject"]</p>
<p class="message">[textarea* your-message placeholder "Your Message"]</p>
<p class="submit">[submit "Submit"]</p>

When it is done, use Contact Form 7 shortcode and paste to your posts/pages - where you want to display contact form. In the image below, the shortcode showing in the blue line.

Click to images to see larger image

From Soledad version 8, we've improved many features from Woocommerce to help you easily creating a beautiful online store. If you're using a lower version than version 8, please update the theme to the latest version first to get all features.

And please check the video tutorial below to know detail about how to do that:

The "Penci AI SmartContent Creator" is a plugin created with the support of OpenAI that allows you to easily create creative and unique content with just a keyword you are targeting. This plugin also suggests suitable article titles for you and creates AI images based on the criteria of the article. We even integrated an AI image creation tool into your WordPress dashboard. Supports both the Gutenberg editor and Classic Editor. You can check the video tutorial below to know how to use it:

From version 8.2.8, the theme supports you can convert text to speech for all your post types. It gives your readers more experience to surf the web. Your readers just need to press the play button and listen to the article content instead of having to read it. You can check the video tutorial below to know how to use it:

Another exclusive feature from Soledad - Live Blog. We have developed a plugin called "Penci Live Blog" - This is a plugin that allows you to create a "Live Blog" - automatically updating news articles from a football match or live events, enabling your readers to receive the latest updates without having to refresh the article.

To activate this feature, you need to install the plugin "Penci Live Blog" - you can install this plugin through Dashboard > Appearance > Install Plugins.

After installing the plugin, go to edit a post, then scroll down, and you will see the options for "Live Blog" as the image below:

Click to images to see larger image

It's easy to understand the options there. Here are more details:

  1. Live blog shortcode: [penci_liveblog] - Insert this shortcode into your post content where you want the live events to appear.
  2. Event Status:
    • If the event is happening, select the event status as "The event is happening" (e.g., Getting ready for a football match).
    • If the event has ended, change the event status to "The event has ended" (e.g., When a football match has ended).
  3. Add time, title, and description for each timeline - this helps your readers stay updated on the events.

And you can check more options to adjust the live blog via Appearance > Customize > Live Blog

From version 8.3.0, we've added a plugin "Penci Paywall" - It's a plugin to help you restricting access to your premium content and monetize it via paid subscriptions. You can check the video tutorial below to know how to use it:

From version 8.3.0, we've added a plugin "Penci Frontend Submission" - It's a plugin to help you allow readers to submit posts to your website via frontend. You also can add a "pay to submit" system. It's easy with Soledad. You can check the video tutorial below to know how to use it:

A personalized feature to keep users engaged and significantly boost interaction is the Bookmarks & Follows feature from Soledad. It allows your users to bookmark posts and follow authors they wish to keep track of.

To activate this feature, you need to install an exclusive plugin from us, a plugin called 'Penci Bookmark & Follow' - you can install this plugin through Dashboard > Appearance > Install Plugins.

After installation, bookmark icons will appear on the featured images of your posts, and the 'Follow Author' button will be displayed on the Author Box (shown on Single Post Page and Author Page).

Most of the features are pre-configured, and you can customize related settings through Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Bookmark & Follow.

From version 8.3.0, this feature is released - "Pay Writer" plugin - This is a plugin that helps you manage the performance of authors, pay authors, and also supports call-to-action buttons to allow readers to support their favorite authors. You can check the video tutorial below to know how to use it:

From Soledad version 8.3.2, we have developed an additional plugin to help you easily create a website for podcasts/audio. If you are planning to create a website to showcase audio content, please use it. Check out the video below for instructions on how to configure it correctly:

Need to import RSS feeds into WordPress as posts? There are tons of reasons you might need to bring in external RSS feeds to your WordPress site. So, we have developed the "Penci RSS Aggregator" plugin to help you do that more easily. Please check out the tutorial video below for instructions on how to make it work perfectly:

From version 5.0, Soledad theme supports AMP for your site.

We've included Penci Soledad AMP plugin in download package from Themeforest ( All files and documentation download ).

If you want to use it, you can go to download page and download "All files and documentation" package. After that, extract this download package and open the folder. You can see plugin in the plugins folder

Please deactivate all other AMP plugins you have first. Because this plugin supports for you full AMP and other AMP plugins can caused conflict with our AMP plugin.

Let's install & activate this plugin. When you done, go to Appearance > Customizer AMP and custom your AMP

Note that: AMP pages doesn't supports display category mega menu, so, please go to Appearance > Menus > create a new menu for your AMP ( which don't use category mega menu ) > scroll down and check to "AMP Menu".

How to setup Google Adsense code for AMP?:

Note: If you don't use the Google Adsense on AMP or use Google Adsense Auto Ads on AMP - let's ignore the guide for ads below.

On AMP, you can't use google adsense codes like normal because AMP use the different way to display google adsense, so you need to modify the google adsense codes to use it the right way on AMP.

Normal Google Adsense codes will look like this:

<script async src="//"></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle center top-ad"
	(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

You need to copy data-ad-client and data-ad-slot on the above codes:


And put it to data-ad-client and data-ad-slot of this google adsense codes for AMP - like this:

<amp-ad width="300" height="250"

When you done, use the codes above and paste it to options for AMP google adsense via Appearance > Customizer AMP

To use Portfolio function, you need to install plugin Penci Portfolio. You can go to Appearance > Install Plugins > Install & Active this plugin

If you're using Elementor or WPBakery Page Builder, you can use element Penci Portfolio to create a portfolio page.

Check this video tutorial to know how to config your portfolio:

We provide portfolio shortcode also, you can see Select shortcode button on your editor tool on Add New/Edit Page( for Classic Editor ). Full portfolio shortcode look like this:

[portfolio image_type="landscape" style="masonry" lightbox="false" pagination="number" cat="" number="12" filter="true" column="3" all_text="All" /]
  • image_type: is image type of portfolio. You can select to display Landscape, Square, Vertical. Select between 3 values: "landscape", "square" or "vertical". This attr just apply for Style "Grid" only.
  • style: is portfolio style. Select between 2 values: "masonry" or "grid".
  • lightbox: enable lightbox when click on images. Select between 2 values: "false" or "true". Fill true if you want to enable it.
  • pagination: is pagination style. Select between 3 values: "number" or "load_more" or "infinite".
  • cat: If you want display projects within a portfolio category or some portfolio categories, then you can fill here slugs of that portfolio categories. Example: cat='slug-1, slug-2, slug-3'. Check this image to know what's portfolio category slug.
  • number: is the number of portfolio articles you want to display. If you want to display all of them, let fill "-1".
  • filter: value is "true" or "false". If the value is true, filter categories will display and if the value is false, filter categories will be hidden.
  • column: is the number of columns you want to display on your portfolio layout, the value can be "2" or "3". Default value is "3".
  • all_text: Change text "All" on filter categories of portfolio

Note: In some cases, the permalink doesn't update for portfolio. If you view a portfolio and got a 404 error, please go to admin page > Settings > Permalink > click to "Save Changes" again to update the permalink.

To use Food Recipe function, you need to install plugin Penci Recipe. You can go to Appearance > Install Plugins > Install & Active this plugin

Check this video tutorial to know how to config food recipe:

From Soledad version 8.0.7 - we added a new section/options inside Customize for help you can optimize the site speed - It's easier & better than before. So, if you don't see Appearance > Customize > Speed Optimization section, let update your theme to latest version by doing follow this guide ( remember to do step 4 after updating the theme ) and make sure you've installed & activated plugin Penci Shortcodes & Performance

After everything is updated to the latest version, please do follow the 4 steps below to optimize your site speed - all steps is simple:


  • Disable all Combine/Merge CSS/JS files and Minify CSS/JS files from your plugins - if you're using it.
  • Disable all Lazyload Images/ Lazyload Media from your plugins - if you're using it.
  • Clear all the caching then deactivate all the caching/optimize speed plugins ( we will install it later ).
  • Some hostings have a caching from themselves ( like SiteGround hosting ) - let disable it ( You can re-activate it after done all optimizations )

STEP 2: Enable Speed Optimization Options

Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Speed Optimization and check to options below:

on "Optimize CSS" section - check to "Enable Optimize CSS", "Create Critical CSS?", "Minify All CSS", "Inline Optimized CSS", "Optimize Google Fonts", "Inline Google Fonts CSS" like on the image below:

Click to images to see larger image

Note: The "Create Critical CSS" feature from our theme will Remove Unused CSS and create critical CSS files then cache it, all other CSS will be delayed to load until user interaction. So, after enabled to this option or after "Clear Critical CSS Cache" - the first time view your site without logging in will slow to load a bit to scan all the needed CSS. After that, it will be fast to load.
And if you changed something affect to styles on your site, let clear all the critical CSS cache by clicking on the button on the image below to make sure the critical CSS files are updated:

Click to images to see larger image

on "Optimize Javascript" section - check to "Delay Javascript Execution", "Delay Google Ads" like on the image below:

Click to images to see larger image

on "Optimize HTML" section - check to "Minify HTML"

One Note: If your site loading big images on the first screen ( the "first screen" is the view when you access your site and don't scroll down ) and the LCP( Largest Contentfull Paint ) is too high, you can reduce it by check to Customize > Speed Optimization > General & Lazyload > "Delay all images loading in the first screen to optimize LCP value". But note that, when you do that, all the images will delay to loads until users interaction, so you can't see any image on the preview screen from the Google Page Speed test.

STEP 3: Install A Caching Plugin

This theme works fine for most of all the caching plugins. So you can pick the best caching plugin that fit your requirements and use it. We recommend: "W3 Total Cache", "WP Super Cache", "WP Fastest Cache", "Cache Enable" for the free caching plugins. And "WP Rocket" for the premium caching plugin.
Note: Just use ONE caching plugin. Because use many caching plugins will conflict together if used them together.

Below is the setup for some example plugins:

Cache Enabler:

After install & activate "Cache Enabler" plugin, go to Dashboard > Settings > Cache Enabler and do the configure like on the image below:

Click to images to see larger image

Note that: on "Cached pages expire XX hours after being created." - It can be change to another value, this depends on what type of content or site you have.

W3 Total Cache:

After install & activate "W3 Total Cache" plugin, go to Dashboard > Performance > General Settings and:

  • on "Page Cache:" tick "Enable" and set page cache method to "Disk: Enhanced."
  • on "Browser Cache:" tick "Enable."
  • All other options leave it like the default

WP Supper Cache:

After install & activate "WP Supper Cache" plugin, go to Dashboard > Settings > WP Super Cache and select the "Caching On" - leave all other options like the default.

WP Rocket:

After install & activate "WP Rocket" plugin, go to Dashboard > WP Rocket and:

  • On "File Optimization" tab: Turn OFF all options
  • On "Media" tab: Turn OFF the following options: "Enable for images" and "Enable for iframes and videos"
  • All other options leave it like the default

WP Fastest Cache: - you can do the settings like the image below:

Click to images to see larger image

STEP 4: Optimize Resources Loading

Some resources on your website like: images, self-hosted videos,... and the server response time can't be controlled by the theme. So, you need to optimize the weight of the resources and the time to get those resources from your server.

To optimize the weight of the images, we recommend you using .JPG images and use a plugin to optimize the weight of the images like: EWWW Image Optimizer or Smush or ShortPixel Image Optimizer

To reduce the server response times, we recommend you use good hosting plus Cloudflare or a CDN like MaxCDN or CDNSun

Soledad theme allows you to translate the theme into any language.

Soledad allows you to transition text online via WordPress Customizer. You just need to go to Appearance > Customize > Quick Text Translation translate all the text there to the text as you want. If your site is multiple languages ( use WPML or Polylang ), you can put the shortcode "[pencilang]" in the language transition options to translate it.

The structure of a [pencilang] shortcode would look like this:

[pencilang en_US='Share' fr_FR='Partager' language_code='Your language text' /]

In the shortcode above, en_US & fr_FR is the languages code. You can see the languages code here

Click to images to see larger image

We've included WPBakery Page Builder & Slider Revolution in download package from Themeforest ( All files and documentation download ).

If you want to use WPBakery Page Builder & Slider Revolution, please go to download page and download "All files and documentation" package and extract it. After that, open it and go to plugins folder - you will see the file & revolution slider folder of that plugins.

Please note that you can use these plugins without an active license key And we don't provide any license key to activate the license key for WPBakery Page Builder & Slider Revolution.
We've bought the extended license from WPBakery Page Builder & Slider Revolution so you can use it legally.
When we updated the Soledad theme, you can re-download the package "All files and documentation" and get the latest version from WPBakery Page Builder & Slider Revolution

If you sharing a posts/pages on social media ( Facebook, Twitter,... ) and got the featured images doesn't display or doesn't display correct image. Please try one way in 2 ways below:

  • WAY 1: Use Yoast SEO plugin
    1. Install & activate Yoast SEO plugin
    2. After that, go to admin page > SEO > Social > click to "Facebook" tab and make sure "Add Open Graph meta data" is enable - click to "Twitter" tab and make sure "Add Twitter card meta data" is enable.
    3. You also can config sharing on facebook for your front-page and default on Facebook tab
    4. After done, click "Save Changes" and wait some days for Facebook can update it ;)
  • WAY 2: Use Rank Math plugin
    1. Install & activate Rank Math SEO plugin.
    2. Check the guide from Rank Math here to know how to setup the sharing images.
    3. Wait some days for Facebook can update it ;)

Again, thank you for purchasing Soledad!

We take great pride in creating solid themes and strongly believe in robust customer service practices. If you have a question that neither this documentation file nor ThemeForest's forums can resolve, drop us a line via our support forum and we'll do our very best to assist you.

Take care!

The PenciDesign Team