From Soledad version 8.0.7 - we added a new section/options inside Customize for help you can optimize the site speed - It's easier & better than before. So, if you don't see Appearance > Customize > Speed Optimization section, let update your theme to latest version by doing follow this guide ( remember to do step 4 after updating the theme ) and make sure you've installed & activated plugin Penci Shortcodes & Performance
After everything is updated to the latest version, please do follow the 4 steps below to optimize your site speed - all steps is simple:
- Disable all Combine/Merge CSS/JS files and Minify CSS/JS files from your plugins - if you're using it.
- Disable all Lazyload Images/ Lazyload Media from your plugins - if you're using it.
- Clear all the caching then deactivate all the caching/optimize speed plugins ( we will install it later ).
- Some hostings have a caching from themselves ( like SiteGround hosting ) - let disable it ( You can re-activate it after done all optimizations )
STEP 2: Enable Speed Optimization Options
Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Speed Optimization and check to options below:
on "Optimize CSS" section - check to "Enable Optimize CSS", "Create Critical CSS?", "Minify All CSS", "Inline Optimized CSS", "Optimize Google Fonts", "Inline Google Fonts CSS" like on the image below:
Click to images to see larger image
Note: The "Create Critical CSS" feature from our theme will Remove Unused CSS and create critical CSS files then cache it, all other CSS will be delayed to load until user interaction. So, after enabled to this option or after "Clear Critical CSS Cache" - the first time view your site without logging in will slow to load a bit to scan all the needed CSS. After that, it will be fast to load.
And if you changed something affect to styles on your site, let clear all the critical CSS cache by clicking on the button on the image below to make sure the critical CSS files are updated:
Click to images to see larger image
on "Optimize Javascript" section - check to "Delay Javascript Execution", "Delay Google Ads" like on the image below:
Click to images to see larger image
on "Optimize HTML" section - check to "Minify HTML"
One Note: If your site loading big images on the first screen ( the "first screen" is the view when you access your site and don't scroll down ) and the LCP( Largest Contentfull Paint ) is too high, you can reduce it by check to Customize > Speed Optimization > General & Lazyload > "Delay all images loading in the first screen to optimize LCP value". But note that, when you do that, all the images will delay to loads until users interaction, so you can't see any image on the preview screen from the Google Page Speed test.
STEP 3: Install A Caching Plugin
This theme works fine for most of all the caching plugins. So you can pick the best caching plugin that fit your requirements and use it. We recommend: "W3 Total Cache", "WP Super Cache", "WP Fastest Cache", "Cache Enable" for the free caching plugins. And "WP Rocket" for the premium caching plugin.
Note: Just use ONE caching plugin. Because use many caching plugins will conflict together if used them together.
Below is the setup for some example plugins:
Cache Enabler:
After install & activate "Cache Enabler" plugin, go to Dashboard > Settings > Cache Enabler and do the configure like on the image below:
Click to images to see larger image
Note that: on "Cached pages expire XX hours after being created." - It can be change to another value, this depends on what type of content or site you have.
W3 Total Cache:
After install & activate "W3 Total Cache" plugin, go to Dashboard > Performance > General Settings and:
- on "Page Cache:" tick "Enable" and set page cache method to "Disk: Enhanced."
- on "Browser Cache:" tick "Enable."
- All other options leave it like the default
WP Supper Cache:
After install & activate "WP Supper Cache" plugin, go to Dashboard > Settings > WP Super Cache and select the "Caching On" - leave all other options like the default.
WP Rocket:
After install & activate "WP Rocket" plugin, go to Dashboard > WP Rocket and:
- On "File Optimization" tab: Turn OFF all options
- On "Media" tab: Turn OFF the following options: "Enable for images" and "Enable for iframes and videos"
- All other options leave it like the default
WP Fastest Cache: - you can do the settings like the image below:
Click to images to see larger image
STEP 4: Optimize Resources Loading
Some resources on your website like: images, self-hosted videos,... and the server response time can't be controlled by the theme. So, you need to optimize the weight of the resources and the time to get those resources from your server.
To optimize the weight of the images, we recommend you using .JPG images and use a plugin to optimize the weight of the images like: EWWW Image Optimizer or Smush or ShortPixel Image Optimizer
To reduce the server response times, we recommend you use good hosting plus Cloudflare or a CDN like MaxCDN or CDNSun
If you sharing a posts/pages on social media ( Facebook, Twitter,... ) and got the featured images doesn't display or doesn't display correct image. Please try one way in 2 ways below: